So it was late 2010/early 2011 that I began to notice that the quality of comics coming from Image was just getting amazing. Let me qualify this statement with the general notion that from 2003 until 2009 there just weren’t any good comics coming out of Image except for Walking Dead and Invincible. Sure… there [...]
That box we stick your books in each week…
“Subscription Service”, “Pull Box”, “Your File”…etc…etc. There are a dozen names for how a comic book store will hold your comics. Oh yeah, “Hold Box” is another term that’s frequently used. Some stores don’t even have this service. It’s hard to believe there are places where you can call and say, “Hey! I’ll be by [...]
Fatale by Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips
Fatale (short for Femme Fatale) (fm f-tl, -täl) 1. A woman of great seductive charm who leads men into compromising or dangerous situations. 2. An alluring, mysterious woman. [French : femme, woman + fatale, deadly.] I was a little concerned initially when I heard that Brubaker was diving into more of his creator owned work by coming out with Fatale. His Captain America [...]
Previews Magazine: What is it, how to use it, why everyone should be a fan of it
The Previews Magazine is a monthly catalog of everything that I can order each month. It’s provided by my wonderful distributor, Diamond Comics, who pretty much has a stranglehold on all the goods that every comic store in the world can get…not that I’m really complaining as they do a great job and, in general, [...]
Into the digital age…
Thought I’d try this whole new “website” thing for the store. I’ll let you know how it goes. Tony